April 10, 2014

Digital Editing for Pen Pals

Third grade students in Mrs. Rapp's classroom have been working on pen pal letters utilizing the features in Google Docs that allow for digital review, editing, and sharing. Students began by writing their rough draft of their pen pal letter in their writing journal. From there they Rainbow Edit their letter, and then they log into their Google accounts to begin writing their final draft. While they're working, they will email and correspond back and forth with their teacher if they have questions. When they are ready to conference with their teacher about their writing, they use Google's share function which allows the teacher and student to interact with each other directly on the document and easily make corrections and/or additions. Upon completion, students are printing their letters, adding colorful illustrations, and sending them off.

Both classrooms are are planning a Google Hangout so the kiddos can meet each other and continue to share their learning. They are really excited for that! 

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